Coordinator for the Office of Ministry to Disciples, Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI

Coordinator for the Office of Ministry to Disciples, Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI

Under the direction of the Executive Director of Office of Mission & Ministry, the Ministry to Disciples position will work collaboratively with the Office of Mission & Ministry team to strengthen all Hispanic and English-speaking parishes of the Diocese of Kalamazoo in living out the mission of the bishop. This position will promote parish support and create a culture of discipleship and leadership within the parish communities through lay leadership development, adult formation, spiritual experiences, development of parish apostolates, and coordination and development of parish volunteer programs.

Major Responsibilities:
• Provide assistance to parishes and pastors, to engage staff, communicate programs, provide spiritual support, and assist in implementing the bishop’s vision.
• Collaborate with other Diocesan staff to develop and execute ways to provide support to parishes, train parish staff and communicate ministry information to parishes.
• Collaborate with the office on major programs and initiatives, including retreats, pilgrimages, conferences and trainings.
• Implement a plan for discipleship development, which provides continuous support and spiritual development.
• Develop and implement a comprehensive program for Hispanic and English Lay Ecclesial certification diocesan-wide, including recruitment and advertising of the program.
• Track Lay Ecclesial Minister certification records.
• Oversee, organize, collaborate and promote the Institute of Missionary Discipleship and ISAK (Instituto San Augustin de Kalamazoo).
• Recruit speakers for Lay Ecclesial Ministry training and ISAK.
• Assist parishes seeking spiritual renewal programs, evangelization tools, advice on implementing parish evangelization plans, etc.
• Develop and implement a plan for parishes for comprehensive volunteer recruitment, training and retention programs.
• Diocesan point person for parish and diocesan apostolates.
• Partner with outside organizations to assist in developing leaders, providing services, and to build a culture of discipleship.

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