S.T.D. Dissertations

Rev. Lukasz Duda. The Truth about Man as the Criterion of Bioethics: Karol Wojtyla and Leon Kass on the Meaning of the Human. Defended April 23, 2024.
Siobhan Maloney Latar. Image of the Maker: The Symbolic Theology of George MacDonald. Defended May 5, 2022.
Rev. Karol Nędza. In Defense of Values. Recovering the Original Meaning in a Modern Context. Defended April 28, 2021.
Rev. Steven Costello. Known in the Sacred Heart, Icon of Love: An Application of Jean Galot's Doctrine on the Heart of Christ for a Christocentric Anthropology Centered in Love. Defended December 10, 2018.
Rev. David Nerbun. The Original Icons of Faithful Discipleship Within the Eschatological Family of Jesus: John and Mary Standing By the Crucified (Jn 19:26-27). Defended December 20, 2017.
Rev. David Alcalde-Morales. The Problematic Theological Extrinsicism Inherent in Modern Cosmology. Defended March 23, 2017.
Rev. Tomasz Medrek. Faith and Moral Reasoning: The Development of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II's Ethical Theory in Light of Vatican II. Defended December 15, 2015.
Szabolcs Stikker. The Vocation to Marriage in the Works of Gabriel Marcel. Defended April 2015.
Rev. Ildefonso Fernández-Fígares-Vicioso. Humanizing Economic Logic: A Reading of Wendell Berry in Light of Caritas in Veritate. Defended December 9, 2014.
Joan Morris Gilbert. Trinitarian Pro Nobis as the Foundation of the Cross and the Eucharist in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. Defended April 26, 2014.
Rev. Pietro Rossotti, F.S.C.B. The Notion of Philosophy in the Thought of George Parkin Grant. Defended April 8, 2014.
Stephen Matuszak. The Christocentricity of the Virtues and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Saint Bonaventure: Mining the Tradition for the Renewal of Moral Theology in Light of Veritatis Splendor. Defended December 9, 2013.
Vilma Sliuzaite. The Notion of Human Experience in the Thought of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II: A Study of the Notion of Experience in the Light of an Adequate Anthropology. Defended January 12, 2012.
Rev. Grzegorz Mazur, O.P. The Nature and Limits of Proxy Consent to Experimentation on Human Subjects. Defended November 25, 2008.
Rev. James Knapp. Celibate Chastity in the Life of the Priest in the Light of the Teaching of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II. Defended April 30, 2008.
Rev. John Doerfler. Donum Vitae Twenty Years Later: The Debate Whether It Is Intrinsically Evil to Generate Human Life by Means Other Than the Marital Act. Defended November 16, 2007.
Rev. Robert Plich, O.P. A Presentation and a Critique of T.L. Beauchamp and J.F. Childress's Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Defended February 16, 2006.
Rev. Timothy Fiala. The Implications of John Paul II's Theology of the Body for a Return to Asceticism and Penance. Defended December 5, 2006.
Rev. J. Brian Bransfield. The Impossibility of Same-Sex Marriage in Light of the Anthropological Principles Found in the Teachings of Pope John Paul II on the Communio Personarum. Defended November 10, 2005.
Rev. Anthony Percy. The Entrepreneur and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church: From the New Testament to Pope John Paul II. Defended May 2, 2003.
Rev. David Murungi. The Theological Anthropology of John Paul II as Source of Principles of Inculturation in the Family: A Case of the Ameru in Kenya. Defended April 25, 2002.
David Crawford. Marriage and the Sequela Christi: A Moral Theological Study of Marriage as a “State of Perfection” in the Light of Henri de Lubac. Defended Spring 2002.
Rev. Miles Walsh. The Sacramentality of Marriage: “Bodily Offering/Spiritual Worship;" A Liturgy of Irreproachable Quality. Defended September 15, 2000.
Rev. Francis Michael Walsh. Josef Fuch's Proposal for the Renewal of Moral Theology: An Analysis and Critique in the Light of Veritatis Splendor. Defended Spring 2001.
William F. Murphy, Jr. The Pauline Understanding of Appropriated Revelation as a Principle of Christian Moral Action. Defended April 26, 2000.
Rev. Gabriel Koroma. State Intervention in Family Policy with Special Attention to the Marxist Concept of the Family. Defended April 28, 2000.
Rev. Thomas Morrow. The Teaching of Pius XII Regarding Chemical Means of Birth Control and Its Relevance to the Teaching on Conjugal Morality in Gaudium et Spes and Humanae Vitae. Defended April 16, 1999.
William Marshner. Natural Desire and the End of Man: A Critical Comparison of Cajetan, Soto, and Bañez. Defended April 29, 1999.
Rev. Curtis Clark. The Operation of Natural Hope in the Natural Law Theory of Germain Grisez. Defended April 27, 1999.
Rev. Andrius Narbekovas. Euthanasia vs. Benemortasia: Irreconcilable Alternatives for Caring for the Dying. Defended April 29, 1998.
Mark Latkovic. The Fundamental Moral Theology of Benedict Ashley, O.P.: A Critical Study. Toward a Response to the Second Vatican Council's Call for a Renewal of Moral Theology. Defended May 8, 1998.
Rev. Paul Gaggawala, A.J. The Drama of Inculturated Evangelization at the Center of the Christian Bantu Family in Africa: Toward a Christian Bantu Culture and Identity. Defended October 1998.
Joseph Atkinson. Mystery of Water, Mystery of Holiness: An Investigation into the Symbolism of Water in the Old Testament as Background to Understanding Baptism, the Theological Foundation for the Domestic Church. Defended Fall 1998.
Rev. Stuart Swetland. Towards the Civilization of Love? Theological Reflections on the Social Teachings of Michael Novak. Defended March 23, 1998.
Rev. Paul deLadurantaye. “Irreconcilable Concepts of the Human Person” and the Moral Issue of Contraception: An Examination of the Personalism of Louis Janssens and the Personalism of Pope John Paul II. Defended April 10, 1997.
Emmanuel Afunugo. Fatherlessness and the African American Family: A Study in Morality. Defended April 21, 1997.
Rev. Peter Uglietto. Gaudium et Spes and Humanae Vitae: Is Their Moral Teaching Compatible?. Defended Spring 1996.
Rev. Jarosław Kupczak, O.P. The Human Person as an Efficient Cause in the Christian Anthropology of Karol Wojtyła. Defended December 1996.
Mary Shivanandan. Original Solitude: Its Meaning in Contemporary Marriage. A Study of John Paul II's Concept of the Person in Relation to Marriage and the Family. Defended Spring 1995.
Rev. John Bonnici. A Christocentric Definition of Friendship: An Application of the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar to the Love of Friendship. Defended December 18, 1995.
Msgr. Joaquin Alicea Rodriguez. Estudio Crítico de la Teología del Matrimonio en los Escritos del Padre Marcelino Zalba, S.J. Defended December 12, 1995.
Sr. Paula Jean Miller, F.S.E. Marriage: The Sacrament of Divine-Human Communion: A Commentary on St. Bonaventure’s Breviloquium. Defended September 30, 1993.
Michele Marie Herbst. Christological and Marian Mediation: The Dramatic Integration of Human Freedom into Divine Communion According to Hans Urs von Balthasar. Defended November 9, 1993.