In Fides et ratio John Paul II called for “a philosophy of genuinely metaphysical range . . . a philosophy which shuns metaphysics would be radically unsuited to the task of mediation in the understanding of Revelation.” The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the philosophy of Hans Urs von Balthasar, with a particular focus on von Balthasar’s interpretation and development of Thomistic metaphysics. Following an introduction to von Balthasar’s life and writings, the course will explore the question of Christian philosophy and recent debates on the Thomistic “real distinction.” The central texts for the course are volumes four and five of The Glory of the Lord, “The Realm of Metaphysics” and Epilogue.
Selected Texts
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Epilogue .
Hans Urs von Balthasar, My Work: In Retrospect.
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theo-Drama, Vol. II.
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theo-Logic, Vol. I.
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theo-Logic, Vol. II.
Joseph Ratzinger, Behold the Pierced One: An Approach to a Spiritual Christology.
Joseph Ratzinger, 'In the Beginning . . .' A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall.
Joseph Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity.
Joseph Ratzinger, Memoirs 1927-1977.
Joseph Ratzinger, Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief and World Religions.

Nicholas Healy
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Culture
M.T.S. Program Advisor
Dr. Healy teaches and writes in the area of metaphysics, theological anthropology, and sacramental theology. Since 2002 he has served as an editor of the North American edition of Communio: International Catholic Review. He is a founding member of the Academy of Catholic Theology.
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