God the Giver of Life

God the Giver of Life

JPI 922
3 Credits

This doctoral seminar is dedicated to the elucidation of two key pneumatological questions: (1) the Father-Son relation in the Holy Spirit and (2) the generation of the Son in the Holy Spirit. The goal is to ponder more deeply the person of the Holy Spirit in God and examine both his active and passive “roles” in the Godhead. This reflection serves as grounds to approach the issue of reciprocity in the triune mystery and the meaning of divine order and hierarchy—issues upon whose satisfactory articulation hinges the elaboration of an adequate theological anthropology. The seminar will follow a historical path and examine some of the main pneumatological texts of the Christian tradition as well as some contemporary authors.

Selected Texts


Rev. Antonio López, F.S.C.B.

Antonio López, F.S.C.B.

Vice President
Professor of Systematic Theology

Rev. López teaches and writes in the areas of trinitarian theology, metaphysics, theological anthropology, and marriage. He serves as editor of Humanum Academic Press and of the English Critical Edition of the Works of Karol Wojtyła and John Paul II, a continuing series from CUA Press.

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